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The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (UN SDGs) are a universal call to action to protect the planet. Beach Groves have achieved 5 goals in alignment with our ESG plan

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Beach Groves is designed in alignment with Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) principles and will use solar panels and high efficiency LED lighting throughout the development to mitigate our energy usage and carbon footprint. 
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Our higher density footprint with shared amenities is more ecofriendly than traditional developments.  We are also incorporating enhanced sustainability focused strata management guidelines that foster a cleaner, lower impact environment. 
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Beach Groves is committed to protecting migratory hatchling turtles through the deployment of special beach front turtle friendly lighting.
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Over half of Beach Groves's land is designated as protected, acting as a sanctuary for both birds and turtles.
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Beach Groves is actively engaging with our local community & building partnership with environmentally focused Not For Profits that align with the Cayman Island's UN SDG Goals outlined by the Ministry of Sustainability
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